Baby, I have your back at Restaurant NOR

  • Performance
  • may 2024
  • Photography: Chang Shun Chih and JianDa
  • Walking partner: Max Oosterholt
  • Artist: Shin Yang
  • Costume designer: Laura Fernández Antolín
  • Role: Concept, content, organization, design and direction

  • Kindly supported by Cultuur Eindhoven and Fonds Kwadraat
  • Thank you restaurant NOR, FoundationWeAre and New Order of Fashion for helping bring this work to life.

At restaurant NOR, walking partner max and i got ready and shared the process with the nor staff and participants. as max and i headed outside, i wrote the information about the night walk on their back while max wrote the memory on my back. we introduced the idea and process to NOR and invited everyone to join. big thanks to artist Shin Yang for designing the custom top pieces (designed at New Order of Fashion). This is one part of the collaborative nightwalking series.

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